
Thursday, April 5, 2012

It's Me

 I know I keep falling off blog land, thought I better let everyone know I am alright, several had sent me concerned emails.  I can't believe I haven't blogged since the first of February, were does time go.  Well my migraines started up about that time again, been losing about two days a week to them, yes I can tell you when it is going to rain, no its not helpful, its a curse, LOL, well been living will them for over 30 years now, but never have gotten use to them, I have lost years out of my life because of being down with a migraine.  I have also been dealing with my cleaning business, just lost a couple of my offices after 18 years of service to this vision place.  Not any problem with my cleaning, they decided they wanted all 4 of their offices done by one cleaning company, so I went to bid against two big cleaning companies in town, needless to say I cannot compete with them, I offer a personal service at a fair price, so I lost out, well it happens.  On a brighter note,  just love the bunny here in the picture, I finally finished her, started her last spring, and then Oliver came early, so she was put up.  This spring I finished her to display in my house, she is a Smiling Goat pattern, just prim perfect.  My sister and I did get out handmades out for spring open houses and got to attend a couple of them, they were really great, got a few items, have to show you later.
 Yes the big furniture moved happened in my house this past winter, along with a few smaller items moved around.  Moved this blue bowl rack to the kitchen counter, I think it added a bit of color in my kitchen.  Love the little black bunny I picked up at Nanbrook Farm this spring.  The old soap box I have hanging on the wall is a really great find I found on my last trip to Charleston, just love old boxes, they are getting harder to find. 
 Ok I always wanted a buttery area in my kitchen, still working on it, but this is what I have for the time being.  The old green bench I picked up a while back at The Rusty Relic, just added the old apple crate someone had made into a small shelf on top.  The old orange spice box was another antique find from Charleston and the little wood measure of some kind was a recent purchase on a trip to Hendersonville, N.C.  I just love the string winder I purchased from Traci at YorkMountain Primitives, she has so much neat stuff, I am always finding something on her website.  Speaking of websites, my friend Bonnie of Kingsport, Tn has a new picturetrail, Primitive Gathering Shop, you can find it on my sidebar under my favorite shops.  Also Debbie has opened her shop back up Four Meadows Cabin, use to be Back Shed Primitives, I have not been, but just wanted to let everyone know.  I also wanted to let you know about a new website I have found, Old Farmhouse Antiques, I have just ordered 2 blue bowls from Hannah.  She has updates from time to time and she is going to have another one soon.  Hannah is such a sweet person, been enjoying emailing back and forth with her, nice to have a new primitive friend.  I will list these websites on my blog side bar.
 The yellow ware bowl was a gift from my father, a very special keepsake, and I love the old basket on top.
 March is a kind of hard month for me since my father died.  My parents anniversary was on March 8th, I use to have a family dinner and always had a cake for them.  Also my dad's birthday is on March 23rd, so every year since he died 5 years ago I go on the hunt for old things to reconnect with my father.  This year was no different, I loaded up Oliver and we went to the local antique shop were I use to have my booth.  I found this cabinet which I thought would look great with the jars I have been collecting.  The little space beneath the shelf was a perfect fit for one of my bowls.
 This is the wall at the end of my kitchen, actually it is the only big wall I have.  So I took down the hanging cupboard, moved it to the living room and also the bucket bench and brought back from the sewing room this green punch tin pie safe, my favorite.  I think I finally got it the way I like it, at least for now, you just never know with me, always tweaking something.
 Of course I had to share a picture of my big boy now, just turned 11 months old, were has time gone.  He is riding in a wagon with his cousin at his other grandmothers house.
This picture was just taken on their trip to Savannah, looks likes he is trying to get those shoes untied.  He did really well Chris said with being on the trip, seems like Oliver's favorite thing was the water at the beach.  Well just wanted to let everyone know I am alright, will try to keep up with my blog better, and reading other blogs, I really enjoy seeing what my primitive friends are doing.  Hope everyone has a great holiday with their family.  Hugs Vicky