
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Homestead Picture

I have never really mentioned anything about the picture on my blog.  It is a picture of my grandmother (dads mom) and my greatgrandmother taken in front of the old family homestead.  The picture was taken in the early 1920's when my grandmother was about twelve, her name was Eva.  My greatgrandmothers name was Alice, which she died not long after this picture was taken in 1925.   My grandmother was one of four children, and she would be the only one to have any children.  She would later marry Cecil my grandfather, and would have four children, my dad being the oldest, he had two brothers and a sister.  One thing she really wanted later in life was grandchildren, but my parents boston bull dog kept having puppies and no grandchildren in sight.  She said she guess thats all she was going to have was grandpuppies.  Well then I finally came along, and my grandmother finally had what she had been waiting for all those years.  Sadly, she died at the age of 52, but she did get to see five of her ten grandchildren born.  She was the kindest person you would ever want to meet, she was always baking a cake and wanting you to come over to have some.  I was only seven when she died, so I don't remember much about her, I remember going through the house looking for her after she died, I didn't really understand what had happened.  I often think about my grandmother and how she would loved to have known her greatgrandchildren and to know she would be becoming a great great grandmother.  It has been along time since I have been up around where the old homestead use to be, my father use to love to go up and wander through those parts of the country, but since he is gone now I rarely get up there.  I am so glad though, as I was growing up my father took the time to show me where he grew up and the history of the family, and of course the picture I will always treasure of my grandmother and greatgrandmother.  Vicky

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vicky,
    Bless your heart...How sad that you didn't get to spend much time with her...I am sure she is smiling down at you and proud. I love the old photos...Just something about them whether I know the people or not....Blessings to you....
