
Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Well the last two days here it has been raining.  The sun has been trying to pop out since lunch time.  Yes, it is finally shining through my window.  Love it.  Well guess what I noticed in my flower bed.  About 6 inch shoots of iris all over my front flower bed.  Are they confused, we have had a very cold winter here, we had snow just a couple of weeks ago, which I thought would never leave.  My husband fell down three times that week.  And now it looks like a sign of spring, I can't wait to get back in my flower beds.  I love to play in my flower beds, visit the garden centers.  Every year I say I am not going to plant much.  LOL.  I go and pick out some new plants and the ones that always do so well.  I will plant and move around things for weeks.  And then I drive by another plant place, well I got to stop by and at least look.  I arrive home with my  van loaded.  I am a lost cause when it comes to flowers.  Yes, I am longing for spring when I can plant, sit on my benches and look at my primitive magazines, a time well spent just enjoying nature.  Vicky 


  1. Thanks for coming by my blog. I just became a follower. I love your stuff. Those boxes are wonderful. I have a thing for boxes too.
    betty, through my back door

  2. Hi, My name is Becky. I am new to the blog world. I too love flowers. Check out my new blog sometime. I have flower photos, recipes and my creations posted. Love your blog. I am now a follower.
    Becky at

  3. OMG!!! NOT fair, first sign of Iris's..... I am monthes from seeing that! You lucky dog! Thanks so much for you wonderful comments over at my blog! I so love picture for your blog! OLM

  4. I am with you on being outside and working in the flower beds! I can't wait....I heard we have more snow coming tonight......Sigh......

  5. Hey Vicky,
    Thanks for stoppin in at LMPrims! I got your order out today and I had to come and see your place.. I love it! I'm sure my little bowl rack will fit in very nicely...
    I want to mow my lawn and pull weeds and eat ripe tomatoes....Are we there yet?

  6. Hi Vicky, One of my best friends lives in Columbia, SC and my MIL in COnway, SC and another dear friend in Mullins so I have heard and seen your very unusual weather this winter! Crazy huh? The temps you had today are what I like for a HIGH. Sounds perfect!!
