
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Spring Handmades

Well I thought I would never get these pictures up.  Last night I sat down and loaded them and then I could not get them to were I needed them to put them on my blog.  So this afternoon I finally figured out another way to get them on.  So here are a few of my handmades.  I love to make carrots, and they were a great seller at  the antique mall last spring.  You got to have carrots were there are rabbits.  The pink and white bunny would be great in a childs room, it was made from an antique quilt.  The spring chicks I love to put in bowls or in a cupboard.  Rabbits just say spring, they look so great in those displays I have around the house and in my antique booth.  And speaking of spring I am going to Anns shop, Country Heart to pick out things that would go great in the booth.  Ann has so many nice things in her shop and she has made the booth look so great since she has joined my booth.  I hope to take some pictures of her shop to share with everyone of the new spring things coming in.  Hopefully I will be able to get them on the blog.  This machine has a mind of its own.  Vicky


  1. I love carrots, too. And you are right. Bunnies do need their carrots. And your carrots are really great!

  2. Hi Vicky,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog ... I see on your about me page, you have a son named Justin ... so do I ... he turned 35 on 2/4/2011.
    Love your bunnies and bunny food ...
    Thanks again for stopping by.
