
Thursday, February 3, 2011

15 weeks

That is how far along my daughter-in-law  is now.  Yes my youngest son, Chris and Brandi are  having there first baby, due on July 27th.  We are not sure yet what it is going to be, we are suppose to find out on Valentines Day.  It just seems like yesterday when Chris was a baby, but my baby will be 29 this May.  Darn it I want be able to be 29 anymore, OK I am 53 and proud of it.  People keep asking me what I would like the baby to call me.  I tell them whatever it comes up with will be alright with me.  Chris when he was little called my mother nanny, my husbands mother grandma.  There was a problem in his mind though, because my husbands grandmother was still alive, what was he going to call her.  Everyone in the family called her Ma, not Chris.  This what he came up with, my mother will now be called new nanny, husbands mom was still  grandma and his greatgrandmother would be called old nanny.  I don't think she new how to take to her new name that my son had given her.  Old nanny died last February at the age of 103.  My children got to enjoy having a greatgrandmother for a long time in there lives.  I just wished she had lived long enough to see another great greatgrandchild born.  So whatever the kid comes up with will be fine, well maybe not old nanny.  Vicky


  1. How exciting for all of you! A new baby on the way...Sweet and what a pleasure since this is their first child. 53 isn't old...I am 3 years older than you so please tell me it isn't so!ha! Also I love what you wrote about the greatgrandmother...103 is amazing..My grandmother is 96 and most of the time she is busier than me...We need some of their energy I suppose....Have a nice day...

  2. Congrats! So exciting!
    Wow, Grandma lived a long life>>103 amazing!I am sure you have so many beautiful memories!

  3. LOL I love it first off congrats Vicky or becoming a Grandma. My mom is 89 my grandson calls her old grandma LOL....or did when he was smaller he had so many grandmas......but he called me nana and he came up with it on his own so I am the only nana he has!

    thank you for signing up for my giveaway

  4. My Kids had an mm grandma,kisses grandma,an gum grandma. Can you tell what they got at each one? Hope the weather here breaks soon. Ready for a road trip!

  5. Hi Vicky, I am new at blogging, just getting my blog up and running last month. I have so much to learn. Would love for you to stop in and visit.
    You must be so excited becoming a grandmother. I have one daughter and a 3 year old granddaughter. DH always has called me Lady, so I had so hoped Darbee Rae would call me Grand Lady. Nope.... on her on she calls me Nana. My mother is still living and is in a nursing home and she calls her Nanny. Her other grandmother on her daddy's side, she calls Grandmother. But it doesn't matter. Whaterver the word the baby has for you will melt your heart. You have sooo much to look forward to. I never knew how great it was until I became a Nana,

  6. Congratulations! I have to say, I don't think I would like old nanny either!

  7. Vicky, congratulations! What a wonderful time lies ahead. We have been blessed with two new grands.One is 3 mos and the other two weeks. He is still in NICU and will be for a while. He came 2 months early. I laughed at the name. People asked me the same question, and like you I didn't care. He called me Betty for a long time. Then it went and has stayed to the good old southern Mamaw/ I loved the Nanny story. There is a wonderful Tomie De Paola book, called, Nana UpStairs and Nana Downstairs, you might want to find for your son. It is sad, but sweet.
    betty, through my back door

  8. Hi Vicky
    so glad you popped by for a visit...I am your newest follower and love your 46 I am lucky enough to have 3 wonderful grands and they call me grandma now but I did have a mamar stage..such special love and joy they bring..congrats to you all it is a very exciting time..XX
