
Friday, February 4, 2011

Spring came in the mail today.

Well its been in the 30's today with a cold rain.  I didn't even bother to go out anywhere today.  Instead I decided to finish up some of those spring projects I have been working on.  I hope to have several finished by Saturday night so I can show you a few things.  I usually try to have projects in different finishing stages.  I always try to have something cut out and stitched, I do most of my stuffing at night.  It helps spring come a little faster when I get something finished and out for display.  Oh the mail man brought a little something for spring today, it was the latest Judy Condon book, Simply Country Gardens.  I flipped through the pages and my mouth started watering.  It was page after page of country gardens, I was starting to get all kind of ideas.  This book is really going to help in my planning stages for my gardens.  I especially liked the Mills Gardens on pg. 78 and the Walker Gardens on pg. 110.  Its just all good.  Hey is it spring yet, now I definitly in the mood to go out and play in the dirt.  Vicky


  1. OH You are one lucky lady! I want that BOOK so bad...where do I get it? What a way to spend a winter weekend...looking through that book! ENJOY! I can't wait to see your SPring Projects!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    and thanks for following my blogs!:)

  2. Hmmmmm, wishing won't do it. Sorry. Much as we love to garden, we know it is weeks away.....More winter is possible, even probable. I'm optimistic, though. I bought zucchini and cucumber seeds. :)
    Oh, and some birdhouse gourd seeds. I need some new ones for the wrens.
    I'm going to plant a terrarium to take the edge off the craving.

  3. Hi Vicky,
    I am so tickled you decided to follow my blog! Hope you enjoy as I have enjoyed reading your's too! Spring can't come soon enough. I too can't wait to start getting all my gardens together! And, the swap, I had so much fun doing it, my first blog swap ever, and I received some really wonderful items in return!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Vicky I got my book yesterday too. I can't wait today to sit down and look at it! I enjoy her books so much.
    betty, through my back door

  5. Can't wait until spring! Isn't it fun trying new things in the gardens? I love it!!!

  6. I received my books yesterday too. I am so ready to get my hands in the dirt :) Spring can not come fast enough!!

  7. I just got Judy's new book too! It does have a lot of pretty pictures in it!
