
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fall at Settler's Crossin

 Last saturday I hit the road again in search for fall items, this time my sister Lisa went with me on my adventure.  Just love the scarecrow outside of Ann's shop.  I have seen some really interesting fall scarecrow's this time in going around to the different shops.
 Love the pumpkin couple, she had lots of nice different pumpkins also, some really nice fall displays. I have this pumpkin thing, can't seem to get enough pumpkins.  Just got another order of pumpkins from Marie, and Wanda from Gatherings is sending me a lot of pumpkins.
 More fall displays in an old cupboard, love the cat hanging over the edge and the little pumpkin guy on top.
 Ann has some really interesting old items in her shop, so much to look at, I usually go around 4 or 5 times, always seeing something I had missed before.  I had picked up some really great brown crocks this time.  OK I have to be honest I was just here the week before.  Lots of great treasures, saw lots more I would love to have.
 One of the highlights of the day was meeting Jennifer of Taylor's Farmhouse Attic.  Really sweet person, and of course had to have one of her fall sampler's. already found the perfect spot for it.
 Love this old table, just lots of really nice fall displays among her items of old, Ann has really good taste.
I thought this display was so cute, the group of turkeys made out of wood, and of course the sign says it all.  Hope you enjoyed your little peek into Settler's Crossin, if you are ever in the neighbor, drop by and pay Ann a visit, I know I will be going back.  Hope to get some of my fall decorating on my blog this week.  Right now I am knee deep in snowmen and other items for the christmas open houses coming up at the girls shops in N.C. they will be on Novemer 5th.  Everyone have a great week,  Hugs  Vicky


  1. Thanks for sharing! I'd love to go there one day. Enjoy your decorating, Dawn

  2. Vicky~ oh, my wonderful photo's looks like prim heaven~

  3. vicky ,
    looks like fun! Primtastic shopping for certain ! have missed our emails hope all is well for you and the family ! how is lil oliver doin ? growing Im sure! Hope you have a great week! hugs lilraggedyangie

  4. What a fun day! I know what you mean about pumpkins. I love them too. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing. Lori

  5. Looks like you and your sister had a fun time...looks like my kind of shopping. All of the Fall displays look so wonderful. thanks for sharing!!! Take care, Janice

  6. Vicky, thanks so much for sharing!!! Love seeing all the photos! so many wonderful prims! OLM

  7. Hi Vicky,

    Oh, I love pumpkins, too ! I have to go buy some as the ones I planted didn't come up ..the one that did was rotten on the bottom.

    Thanks for the tour of the neat shop !


  8. No wonder you had fun! Lots of prim goodies and eye candy!

  9. Love the photos. Those shops are chock full of wonderful primitive goods and it looks like a lot of them are handcrafted. I'd love to tag along on a visit! Thanks for sharing. ~Roberta

  10. Vicky you and your sister had a great day! I love those pumpkin people too. Great pictures of the shop.
    Just think of all the Halloweens that you will decorate for Oliver. I enjoy decorating for my grandkids. My youngest grandchild will be 8 on Thursday.
    Fall Blessings

  11. Well you all had a great time! I have got to travel sometime in my life! LOL! How fun to meet Jen and Wanda does have the coolest stuff! We need an Oliver fix! Pictures of the little man pretty please!

  12. Oh, these are just wonderful photos, I love the places you visit! Love that pumpkin couple, and all the pumpkin kids everywhere. Also all the cupboards and Jennifer's Samplers! Would love to see it all.
