
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Oliver's First Fall Open House

 Brandi and I took Oliver and hit the road last saturday to attend 4 fall decorated shops.  Oliver decided he was going to sleep through the whole trip, just woke up enough to eat.  Here he is at Nanbrook's Farm open house with his new hat on, he was dressed in his overall's just perfect for the fall open house's.
We stopped at The Rusty Relic, she was just starting to put out her fall items, her open house is today.
 I just love the corn guy's this year, had to have one for my fall decorating.  Will be posting my fall decorating pictures later.
 Just love the pumpkin guys, one of my favorite things to decorate with, they really make great items for decorating.  I actually made the Purcee the pumpkin guy.
Another item I made is the scarecrow, and the pumpkin couple, love the black cabinet, really nice displays.
 Here we are in front of Nanbrook farm, just love the scarecrow, and the front porch of Amy's front porch to her cabin shop.
 Another view of her porch area, very inviting, love the cornstalks she used and the gourds, bought a lot of them last year to use in my decorating.
 We stopped at Country Heart to visit with Ann and see what kind of interesting decorating ideas she had and of course goodies to take home.  Love the ghost with the centerpiece on the table.
 Ann had some really nice displays throughout her shop, love all the berry vines, the black dress is really nice.
 She had all kinds of items for your fall and halloween decorating ideas, so much hard to choose which ones.
 Here we are back at Nanbrook Farm, don't know how these pictures got out of order, love the scarecrow wreath.
 Another area in that shop, corn guys were popular this year, really nice display, great ideas for fall.
 Love the big wagon in the back room, the scarecrow added just the right touch with the fall flowers, gourds and the crow. 
Love the pumpkin people, infact I bought the pumpkin guy, he is in my den, will show pictures of my fall decorating later, still tweaking a few things here and there.  Well that is just a few of the many pictures I took, we also went by Slinter-in-Rags, didn't get any pictures there, Oliver woke up and needed to eat, so I finished my shopping while she fed him. I did get a hooked pumpkin runner and some fabric pumpkins there.  It was a perfect day, weather just great and little Oliver was the best baby through it all, didn't mind being in and out of the car. He did wake up briefly at the last shop, everyone seemed to enjoy meeting Oliver.  Well need to get back to sewing, I am starting the winter items now, all the girls open houses will be November 5th, so lots to do in so little time.  Just love doing it, so many thing I would love to create.  Will be posting my fall decorating pictures soon.  Everyone take care and have a great weekend.  Hugs Vicky


  1. Love these pictures, so much to see. Really glad you had a great time. Oliver steals the show though! So precious! Have a great weekend!

  2. Hi, Vicky~ Oliver is adorable in his little bib overalls & what a good boy sleeping~ so you gals could shop & drool!
    I am sure you were drooling alot~ Wow , the photo's of the shops are AMAZING!! I too love that scarecrow~ Would love to put that in my flower bed~ been looking for a prim one~ can't find one local, but I am going to keep looking~
    thanks for sharing the shops~
    hugs to you~

  3. Oliver is so cute. You're inspiring me to think about fall decorations.

  4. Aww~ little Oliver took his first outing quite well! LOL! I am glad you all had a great time! Love your goodies, and thanks for sharing!

  5. Love the photos! I bet you had a good time and I'm sure Oliver just thought he was having a wonderful dream!!

  6. Hi Vicky, It is so good to see Oliver out and about. Beautiful fall pictures. Good to see you blogging again.Miss you when you don't.

  7. What nice pictures. Not really any shops near me like this. I like the things you made especially the pumpkin couple. I was trying to figure out which was the "corn guy", maybe the scarecrow. Cool. Love Oliver's name, he is so cute.

  8. I really enjoyed these pictures, you are lucky to have so many nice shops near you!

  9. Loved all the pictures! I am new to your blog, just stumbled on it blog surfing. I love Nanbrook Farms she has the best stuff. I am also a prim lover. I am new to blog land so it would be great if you could view my blog and follow me. Thanks :)

  10. Hi Vicki, looks like you, Oliver and Brandi had some fun hitting all those great prim stores! He's such a beautiful little boy and is growing fast!
    My family is doing great! We have 10 weeks left of my husband being in training for the Police Department then he'll be back home with us! It's exciting knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Can't wait to see your fall decor!


  11. Thanks for sharing your visit all the pics
    Happy Fall !

  12. What a fun time to spend out. I am glad he slept most of the time. What a cutie. Thanks for sharing the pics. Everything looks so amazing. -Steph-
