
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Winter Decorating Part 1

 Well doesn't feel much like a winterwonderland here today, its around 70 and I have plants starting to come up from the ground, feels more like spring.  But its starting to look like winter inside, I always decorate for the seasons, it stays up for 3 months and I usually do a little tweaking in between.  I just love this mouse wreath I had ordered from Gatherings, just love Wanda's shop.  I tend to decorate with a lot of mice and snowmen in the winter.
 This is one of my favorite snowmen I have collected over the years.  I picked up the little pair of mittens at the Rusty Relic this time.  I had found an old sled someone had made, love using it in my arrrangement along with some frozen greenry, which I fell in love with last year.
This is one of my favorite stepback's, it was made by my friends husband several years ago, one of my first pieces I collected.  Love to display my pewter on it this time of the year.  I think my favorite part is the top to decorate with the different seasons.
 A blue box found on one of my trips to Va. and one of my pinkeeps I love to collect.  The two small sheep were made by my friend Justine at Mycronynme Primitives, she has some really neat items on her website.
 Love this old trencher my aunt had given me, found the dried oranges this year at Nanbrook Farm they smell so good, the apples came from the Rusty Relic.
 The eight place setting of pewter I found here at a local high end thrift shop a couple of years ago, love using some of my blue willow plates with it.
 And here is my favorite part of the cabinet, just love decorating it with the different seasons, this cabinet sits in my dining room.  The large bowl was a gift from a friend and the large bowl rack I found at Primitive Gatherings shop in Tn.  I found the large frozen branch, which I love at The Country Heart in N.C.  I had also picked up the ginger guys there a couple of years ago, since then I have been making them, great pattern.  The snowman and the little pail was picked up at Nanbrook Farms Christmas open house this year.
 This is the bottom of the cabinet, a collection of crocks and the picture sitting behind it has special meaning, I helped my oldest son Justin with that when he was in school and won an award for it.
 One of my new snowmen purchased from Sweetpeas's Primitive, just love the pipe and corncob used for his hat and the feedsack she used for his body.
 I had found this cute snowman in a local antique mall here several years ago.  Love the rabbit with the carrot, the tag on the snowman reads; Have you seen my nose?
 Top of a old slant top desk picked up on one of my many trips to Charleston.  I made the little mouse, decided he needed some earmuffs.  I have been collecting samplers lately, this one I picked up at The Rusty Relic, she has some neat ones. I have a couple more coming will have to share them with you.
 This awesome snowman came from Settler's Crossin along with half her store I purchased that day.LOL. Just love his coat and hat which is made out of a quilt.  I had actually moved my living room around, love the cabinet here better, gives me more room, we have Oliver's pack n play in this room.
 Bowl rack sits on top of the old blue cabinet with a couple of old bowls. Added some frozen branches and a sheep here.  The whalers lamp was purchased from Wanda at Gatherings.
 Inside of this cabinet, just a few odds and ends I lilke, picked up over it years.  And of course the picture you see on my blog, which is of my great grandmother and my grandmother when she was about 11.  My great grandmother died a year after this picture was taken.
 On the other side of the room is this step back cabinet, it is a new piece, but I love it, so hard to find the old ones.  Love the little mustard hanging shelf with the pewter on it.
 This is the top, picked up the deer a couple of years ago from Primitive Gatherings shop in Kingsport, Tn.  The old large basket was a recent purchase from Settler's Crossin.
 A few of my cookie molds I collect, I have this thing for wood items.  The old white buttermilk pitcher I got from my father's antique shop when I was a teenager.  When my son Chris was born, Oliver's dad, my hubby and oldest son, Justin he was 3 then, they had picked wild pink roses and brought them to the hospital to me, a memory I will always treasure along with the pitcher.
 I have been collecting old crocks lately, this one I found on one of my trips down to Settler's Crossin, and the needlework I had done back after my father died, I had to keep busy, I turned out several of those then.
 Can't wait until Oliver can use my old red rocker I used as a child, the snowman is holding my storybook my father use to read to me.  The old crock belonged to my uncle, my aunt gave it to me after he died.
 Top of an old blanket chest that sits in front of my couch.  Love the old red measure with the rag balls collected over time.  The snowman hat and mittens were done by a local artist.
 The little drummer boy was made by my sister, no pattern, she is very talented.  Well needless to say it never made it out of my house, had to have it.  My son Chris plays the drums, Oliver will probably follow in his footsteps.  She did a fantastic job on the donkey and the sheep.
I love the mustard shelf, it holds my every growing pinkeep collection.  Speaking of pinkeeps, just got a new one in the mail today, will have to find the perfect place for it, a little rabbit sitting on a snowball, will have pictures of it coming.
Saved this to last, my oldest son Justin giving Oliver a new toy he had found for him.  Justin just loves Oliver so glad he just lives up the street from him, I think Oliver will enjoy going to Uncle Justin house.  Oliver is doing well, he now weighs 13 lbs. and he loves to eat his veggies, can also hold his cup now, progressing really well.  We are thankful for his progress after not knowing how things would turn out after being born so early. Well that is just a little of my decorting for this season, will try to get the rest of the pictures took and loaded up.  Everyone have a great week, Hugs.  Vicky


  1. ~ as My Grandma would say" oh, me oh, my~" now that is decorating to the bestest!!!
    Wow prim perfection love all your earlies~
    But my fav pic is Oliver getting so big~ just adorable~
    thanks for sharing your talent~

  2. Even though I don't decorate prim, I think you have some lovely things and use them so well! I love the little mice in the first picture especially!

  3. I have that same snowman as in the first picture. I love all your Christmas decorating. So perfectly prim.

  4. o My goodness Vicky , that lil peanut sure is getting big so fast , hes such a handsome lil guy ! Your decorating and all your treasures just AMAZING , LOVE EM ALL !!!Have a great evening ! hugs lilraggedyangie

  5. Oh Vicky, Vicky, Vicky!!! This is AWESOME!! You have some seriously cool collections - and a mad, mad, talent for decorating and display! I don't even know where to begin!! I didn't see a stinkin' thing I didn't absolutely LOVE....! YIKES!! I just want to move in....Your furniture, your pewter, your molds, your Christmas've pretty much left me speechless....Congratulations on a very rare feat indeed.... ;o) And Oliver is adorable....What a precious little bundle of Christmas joy he is.....Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. OMG!!!! Everything is lovely. simply prim perfect. Love your collections and your Christmas decor is amazing. But Oliver is precious,God bless him.

  7. My goodness! Everything looks amazing.
    Prim inspiration in every picture!!
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. It all looks wonderful Vicky. I have to say I love that deer. Don't know why I can't make it to Kingsport, as it isn't that far. I will this summer. Oliver is a doll! Yes, I believe he will have an ally in his uncle. Your decorations are so pretty. You have lots of nice things and display them to perfection.

  9. Vicky, Oh My, I love it all... the cookie molds, love them... the little drummer boy... all the wonderful favorite, because they can stay out longer...BUT look at Oliver!!!! He is getting so big!!! merry Christmas my prim friend! OLM

  10. Vicky everything is simply stunning!Love your collections and the talent you have to make it all flow together! Oliver is getting so big ,he is so adorable!It has been a treat to see a new pic. Christmas Blessings,Jen

  11. Hi Vicky....your Christmas decorating is beautiful, and Oliver, wow he looks wonderful...we've both experienced the amazing miracle of these wee little ones...we've truly been blessed, I'm sure there are great things ahead for these lil guys.

    Merry Christmas..

  12. Hi Vicky
    You have everything just right! I have looked a couple of times. Your stepback cupboard is awsome..easy to decorate especially with the goodies you have.
    Oliver is really getting big! He will love that little red chair.
    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  13. It all looks wonderful Vicky!! Oliver will be so much fun at Christmas!! Have a wonderful day!!


  14. Your Christmas decorating looks terrific! So many wonderful things... hard to pick a fave! Love the little drummer boy and all your cute snowmen.....

    Oliver is adorable, and getting big.... cute pic of him and Uncle Justin... I'm sure they will be best buds!

    Merry Christmas!

  15. Oh my, such lovely things, i don't think one look through them will be enough. I've already caught myself with my bigger magnifying glass looking at the smallest details. Thank you so much for sharing all of this!
    Oliver surely has grown, what a beautiful baby he is, and that little foot with those toes sticking up, just precious. What a blessing to have him to enjoy this Christmas! Getting stronger all the time, I am thankful he is doing so well. Merry Christmas!

  16. So many wonderful things! Loved looking in all the nooks and crannies.Oliver just adorable so glad he is progressing well.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  17. My favorite photos? The first and the last! Oh, what sweet pics! Love your blog...I'm adding it to my list of favorites! Happy holidays! ♥

  18. OH my heavens you have a beautifully decorated home. I love every corner of it. I can't believe it is so warm where you are. Good thing it looks like winter in your home. Merry Christmas. -Steph-

  19. Love your decorating and I am drooling over that pewter! Grand baby sure is growing and I know this is going to be one special Christmas!


  20. Wonderful pictures! Love them all, but my goodness, look at how much Oliver has grown! LOL! Love the drummer boy! Very nice and thoughtful!
    Hugs, Renee

  21. Absolutely prim perfect! Can't wait to see more eye candy. Enjoy, Dawn

  22. Amazing talent you have for decorating and display! Wonderful treasures you have, especially the last one. LOL! Thanks for inspiring us all. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    ~Judy P~

  23. Hi Vicky
    Primitive Mice is my new love - I have a few patterns from Old Road Primitives that I enjoy making. Love all your decorating
    Merry Christmas

    Smiles & Huggs

  24. Loving all your wonderful prim Christmas decorating! The baby is the best, but I love those little mice too! Merry Christmas!
