
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Winter Handmades

 Well I can't believe it two post in one week, usually it is a month between them.  I wanted to share some of the winter items that I made this year, my sister has been helping me this time to get  all this done for the shops open house earlier this month.  With sewing for four shops, it keeps you hopping.  I love this little guy, thought he turned out really great.
 My sister, Lisa made this santa heads, they turned out to be adorable, she really loves to sew, does really great work, lots of details to her handmades.
 The waving santa she also made, really cute, love the painted on eyes.  This picture was taken in her house.
 Mr. and Mrs. Snowman was crafted by my sister and the little plum pudding she also made, turned out really nice, love the snowwoman with her muff, Lisa likes details.
 Lisa also made the santa with the deer, she had to make several of these guys, they went fast, love the deer.
 This just turned out to be so adorable, love all the little items used in this display, Lisa does a really good job on making animals. We are always on the lookout for little baskets for our projects.
 I love snowmen, so this is one of mine, just a basic pattern I added on a different sock hat and put a few prim candy canes in his hands.
 I really enjoyed making this one, very simple, love the pocket on it and the painted eyes, very prim, adorable.  Can be displayed just about anywhere.
 Really enjoyed making the crows, love the grungy part of fixing these guys, just simple with a few berries and ribbon.
 Love the santa crow, just different, perfect to hang on a cabinet or use with a wreath on a door.
 The makedo santa's were one of my favorite ones to make this year.  I took an old quilt and made it more primitive looking and just added a few items to it, love how it turned out., had to make more of these guys.

 The hanging cupboard santa was a simple project to make, love how he turned out, would be nice on a door or cupboard.
 Another snowman, love making the little broom, added a lot of stocking caps this time to my snowmen.
 The snowman with the red pants, he was just adorable, very easy, just plain and simple, love the stick legs.
 Another one of my sisters santa's, love this one to hang on a cupboard, we use a lot of wool from items we find at the thrift stores, the wool at the fabric store is just too expensive.
 The candle light santa Lisa made, love the white coat with the red trim and the little pocket holding the light.
 This one was just adorable, Lisa  done a fantastic job on this one, love the little floweres she added.
 This is another makedo santa, we had done several of this pattern.  Lisa had done this one, love the little teddy bear.  We love looking for little items we can use in our handmades, they add so much to them.
 Another one of Lisa's santa's with the deer, I just love the deer, she does so well in painting her items.
 This small old world santa was everyones favorite, he was so simple to make and small enough to hang just about anywhere.
 I enjoyed making the old world santa's, these are tfc folkart patterns, very simple, but adorable, most time consuming part was hand sewing the trim on.
 Another tfc folkart santa, love the round head, just plain and simple, would make a nice display anywhere.
The stump santa was a lot of fun to make, can sit him anywhere, again I used an old quilt square and made it more primitive and added items in it, I had made another one and added a bear to it.  Well these were a few of the items that were made this time, so many things we wanted to make just ran out of time.  Lisa is currently making a really cute black snowman for someone, will have to share some pictures of a few other items later.  Right now we are starting our rabbit season, trying to decide what to make for the spring season, we have been out shopping trying to find little items for the details on the rabbits and other spring items we will make.  Been having a lot of fun making them, I usually end up with several things that just didn't get finished in time, oh well I will be ahead for next christmas, so many things to make, so little time.  It has been raining here for the last three days, so as soon as the sun comes back out, I will take some pictures of my house I have been decorating for the winter months.  Take care,  Hugs Vicky


  1. Those are all exquisite! I love them each and The nativity is to die for! Has she wold it? If not how much is it? Did you see the one on my blog my friend made a few years ago? Enjoy the day, my friend.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What wonderful offerings. Everything has so much detail. I love all the faces as not one is exactly the same. I say my favorite is the Nativity though. I never thought of sewing one. I will have to get one done for next year. Good job on all your hard work. -Steph-

  4. These are all just so wonderful, I love the details, esp. the animals and the blue coat Santa, and the snowman with the red pants and checkered scarf! Just so many, I love them all! I'm going to come back several times just to enjoy the pics. Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. IIIIIIIIIIIi want it all ! Wow just gorgeous Vicky love it all ~!I cant choose a fave to comment on cause they are all fabulous! Have a great weekend hugs lilraggedyangie

  6. Oh my gosh Vicky, You and your sister are so talented. I could not possibly pick my favorite. Love each and every Santa and Snowman. And the nativity is precious. Such wonderful detail in each piece. Love their faces especially the painted eyes. Take care and enjoy the Season.

  7. Vicky, you and your sis have been super busy! I love all those Santas, excellent work by both of you.. Hugs, Traci

  8. Vicky, Love all your creations! You busy girl!! and it looke like you had a wonderful trip too!!!! OLM

  9. My gosh you and your sister sure are busy! Lovely lovely primitives you both make. You must have so much fun! Thanks for telling me about your blog...I'm a follower now. Sometimes you just got to smack me in the head and say "hey look at this!"
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Warm hugs ~ Jenn

  10. Hi Vicky,
    You and your sister are so talented! WOW! Love all of the Santa's and the deer. Will you let me know if you/she has any left? TOO cute I tell ya....I will look forward to seeing your home photos...Don't we all love it! Have a wonderful evening....

  11. Hello Vicky!
    I'm your newest follower - found my way over from Lil' Raggedy Angie's - saw the amazing things you sent her, and had to see more for myself - and wow - oh wow - what incredible sights to see! You and your sister do incredible things!!! I love your Santas and crows and snowfolk! What a talented team you two are! Looking forward to getting to know you! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  12. Your prims are totally awesome! What talent, I love everything.Lecia

  13. Hi many cute santas - I love 'em all
    Smiles and Huggs

  14. Just found your blog....spook glad I did love your taste in folk art....wonderful eye candy!!!!
