Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Blogger has done it again
Just put up a post with pictures, they were there when I posted, and then they were gone. I went back and added the pictures, they are in the middle of the post, don't know what is going on with blogger, but I wish they would leave my pictures were I put them. Vicky
This past saturday I attended the High Grove Gathering Show put on by Ann (Settler's Crossin) which she has been having for over ten years. It used to be at her old farm house where she also had a shop, which she put on in June and October each year. After her husband died she left the farm and moved into town, since then she has sold the farm. The last couple of years she has set up in a park in the historic town of Ninety Six, S.C. I had the chance to go this year, and of course I was able to find a lot of neat old primitive items to add to my house. I found an old whisk broom to add to my ever growing collection, love the fabric that has been added, just gave it a great old touch.
Over the years I have been buying signs from a certain booth. I just love her signs, this one I think I will be placing in the bathroom, trying to redo that area. Her name is Laine Berger and she has a picturetrail which is www.PictureTrail.com/prairiedogprimitives if you are interested, she said is also does special orders.
Amy (Nanbrook Farm) had a booth set up also, and of course I about loaded up the van just from her booth. My favorite thing I bought from her was this old one leg milk stool, she had turned into a makedo candle holder, I knew the perfect place I was going to be hanging it.
An old cubby I had purchased from her, and little stitched pillow tuck. Trying to decide where to put it, lots of ways you could use it.
Another item she had made was the makedo flower container. Just love the patches she put on it and the date 1868. Will be great to change out the flowers with the seasons. I just loved her booth, she had a lot of makedos she had handmade, just wished I had got a picture of her booth you would have fallen in love with all the primitive handmades.
Ann (Settler's Crossin) had her booth set up with lots of interesting old pieces of furniture and lots of primitive handmades. I decided to get the handmade bear for Oliver's room, just loved the big rag balls made from old fabric. I really liked the little shelf, kind of unique, don't know where I will be putting it, but I could use it all over the house.
I think this was my favorite items I had gotten from Amy. Love the old cutting board, it still has some old green paint on the end of it. Amy said it came out of an old cabinet, remember when some of the old cabinets in the kitchen would have a cutting board which would slide out. The old egg separater was just perfect for my old primitive kitchen. Love the bottles she had made up, just adds that great primitive feel. I also love to collect pinkeeps, this one is made from an ol cup. Now I will just have to find the perfect spot for all my primitive items, now the fun begins. Where will they start out and where will they end up next. Tweaking my favorite thing to do. Well that about sums up what I had found on my primitive adventure this past weekend. Ann will be having another one coming up in October, just love to go you just never know what old primitive item you will find. On another note, I will be closing my booth up next week, after almost four years its time to close that chapter in my life and move on. I have enjoyed doing the booth, but most of all I have found a part of me I didn't know existed, my love of making primitive handmades. I am planning to continue making my handmades, trying to find new ways to sell them, still for shops and maybe even online, when one door closes I feel another one will open. But I think what I value most I have gotten out of having the booth is my starting Green Creek Primitives blog. I would have never have started this if it had not have been for my booth. And I would not have met so many caring, talented women along the way. So what the future holds for Green Creek Primitives is yet to be seen, but I know one thing I want let go of all my hopes and dreams for doing my handmades and taking it to the next level, I have a sense of pride and accomplishment I never thought I would have for something I love so much, the love of old. I have been blessed. Vicky
Over the years I have been buying signs from a certain booth. I just love her signs, this one I think I will be placing in the bathroom, trying to redo that area. Her name is Laine Berger and she has a picturetrail which is www.PictureTrail.com/prairiedogprimitives if you are interested, she said is also does special orders.
Amy (Nanbrook Farm) had a booth set up also, and of course I about loaded up the van just from her booth. My favorite thing I bought from her was this old one leg milk stool, she had turned into a makedo candle holder, I knew the perfect place I was going to be hanging it.
An old cubby I had purchased from her, and little stitched pillow tuck. Trying to decide where to put it, lots of ways you could use it.
Another item she had made was the makedo flower container. Just love the patches she put on it and the date 1868. Will be great to change out the flowers with the seasons. I just loved her booth, she had a lot of makedos she had handmade, just wished I had got a picture of her booth you would have fallen in love with all the primitive handmades.
Ann (Settler's Crossin) had her booth set up with lots of interesting old pieces of furniture and lots of primitive handmades. I decided to get the handmade bear for Oliver's room, just loved the big rag balls made from old fabric. I really liked the little shelf, kind of unique, don't know where I will be putting it, but I could use it all over the house.
I think this was my favorite items I had gotten from Amy. Love the old cutting board, it still has some old green paint on the end of it. Amy said it came out of an old cabinet, remember when some of the old cabinets in the kitchen would have a cutting board which would slide out. The old egg separater was just perfect for my old primitive kitchen. Love the bottles she had made up, just adds that great primitive feel. I also love to collect pinkeeps, this one is made from an ol cup. Now I will just have to find the perfect spot for all my primitive items, now the fun begins. Where will they start out and where will they end up next. Tweaking my favorite thing to do. Well that about sums up what I had found on my primitive adventure this past weekend. Ann will be having another one coming up in October, just love to go you just never know what old primitive item you will find. On another note, I will be closing my booth up next week, after almost four years its time to close that chapter in my life and move on. I have enjoyed doing the booth, but most of all I have found a part of me I didn't know existed, my love of making primitive handmades. I am planning to continue making my handmades, trying to find new ways to sell them, still for shops and maybe even online, when one door closes I feel another one will open. But I think what I value most I have gotten out of having the booth is my starting Green Creek Primitives blog. I would have never have started this if it had not have been for my booth. And I would not have met so many caring, talented women along the way. So what the future holds for Green Creek Primitives is yet to be seen, but I know one thing I want let go of all my hopes and dreams for doing my handmades and taking it to the next level, I have a sense of pride and accomplishment I never thought I would have for something I love so much, the love of old. I have been blessed. Vicky
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Oliver turned six weeks old Monday, and now weighs 3lbs 10 ozs., yes I call him my big boy now. My son Chris sent me a email today with this picture entitled - Clothes, yes his first day of wearing clothes. They had went over the weekend to try to find some premiere sizes, buts found they are a little hard to find. I had went to a yard sale friday and found sizes newborn-12 mos. all in good condition and a few little blankets. I had washed and dried them and was folding them thinking how nice it was to have a baby in the house again. This past weekend I sent my antique full bed to my oldest son's house for his guest bedroom, and started working on Oliver's room, it is coming along really nice, I am going to be putting one of those 4-1 cribs in there. I had hung an old reprodution red shelf in there, added a little table and chair, and of course all the little decorating items for a little boys room. I have a long shelf up high I am planning to look for antique toys to display up there. I will post pictures soon after I have done a little more tweaking of his room. Just thought I would let everyone know he is doing well and they have increased his eating to 20 mil. which is about 4 teaspoons every 3 hrs. He moves around a lot and my son said that while holding him the other night he pushed off his chest and picked his head up and looked up at him. My husband and I go up every Friday night and visit with him, most of the time he is sleeping, I want to hold him so bad lately, hopefully it want be long before he comes home, I told my son maybe he will be home in time for my 33rd wedding anniversary which is on July 15th or my birthday on July 17th, wouldn't that make a very special gift. Everyone take care and have a great weekend, I know I will I will be going to see my Big Boy, Oliver. Hugs Vicky
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Having Problems
For some reasons when I posted my last post the pictures did not appear, so I went back and added the pictures they turned up in the middle of the post, so they are not where they need to be, but at least you can see the pictures. Anyone ever had this problem of just boxes showing up with x's in them? Everyone take care. Vicky

Well I have been doing a little summer decorating lately with some of my primitive finds. Yes I have been back to Settler's Crossin, good thing I don't live to close we would never eat again. LOL. I had found the cutest little pillow on my last trip down there, it has a little blue bird stitched on it and it reads O Sing Unto the Lord - Annie Frank. Thought it looked cute in a small old chair I had picked up at an antique mall. I just love this area, right under a window next to a chair I usually have my second cup of coffee. Thought it would be nice for Oliver at some point to sit in, may be going to move this table to his room at some point, thats what I love about decorating moving things around, never dull.
I was able to find a few neat things on my last trip to Gibson Mill Antique Mall, there are several primitive booths in there, Amy of Nanbrook Farm has a couple of booths, that is were I found the new table runner, just love the blue trim around it, also found the old tin pitcher at the mall also, just a really huge mall you can get lost in. Ann of Country Heart also has a really nice booth there also. The old trencer came from my aunt, love the little old primitive rolling pin I found, love to collect old looking rolling pins. The little sign says it all "Every moment holds a hidden gift" I really believe that, take time to stop and take in every moment in your life.
I mostly decorate for the seasons, so every three months things get changed out for a new season, keeps things fresh and interesting. I had changed a few items in my primitive stepback cabinet for a summer theme. I found the neatest pair of old childrens skates, made me think of my childhood when I saw them. I added a red checkerboard, I always think of playing checkers on the porch in the summertime. And I found the perfect place for the little pillowtuck Angie had sent me, perfect with the blue ticking.

I have been looking for more blues to add to my summer decorating, I always like and think of blues for some reason in the summer. Last trip to Settler's Crossin I came across an old childrens quilt, with lots of blues on it. Also picked up the little doll with the blue dress on to add that special touch for summer. The large doll, Gardening Martha, I order from Jackie at T.F.C.Folkart, just had to have her because of my love of gardening. Love how she is dressed in an old feedsack, just perfect with the red on it and the little rake, nice summer touch. I didn't have a lot of things for summer decorating, nice to find a few items this year.
I have this doll thing, just can't get enough of the primitive dolls. Ann, Settler's Crossin, told me this one is called "Generations" Just love the mother and her daughter and then the little baby, just different. They add a nice touch in my den area in front of my window where I love to have an afternoon cup of coffee or sweet tea, just a relaxing area. I would love to be able to make such dolls at some point. I just love how they are dressed, nice homespun fabrics and their aprons are really neat.
The bowl rack I love, found it at my first trip to Settler's Crossin, along with the two old painted bowls and the doll, the candlestick was found on my last trip to Tn. It added a nice touch on top of my old blue primitive cabinet. Yes I shop a lot, and my poor hubby drives me there and sits in the car and reads while I go in and spend all my money, nice stress reliever also, love getting lost in those primitive shops. Can't wait until July, we usually take a day trip around our anniversary.
On my last trip to Gibson Mill, its about a two hour trip for us, there was a new primitive booth. Her shop is called Primitive Souls, I found out she has a shop in an old log cabin in Gold Hill, N.C., hoping next time we go up to Gibson Mill we can go on up about another half hour drive to see her shop. She had a really neat booth I purchased two game boards from her, one you see hanging here in my hallway and the other one is a little larger and is done in mustard paint, haven't found a place for it yet. Here I just added the checkerboard with a few blue and red items for a nice summer feel. Well thats all I have to show today, been working on a few other areas of the house for the summer decorating, will show some of it later. Also been working on my sewing room getting ready to start my fall handmades this week, fall will be here before you know it. I also wanted to let you know Oliver is doing well, he is now 3lbs. 3ozs. and is moving around a lot in that little bed, hopefully he will get to come home sometime in July, maybe around my anniversary, now that would be a nice gift. Everyone take care, stay cool if you can, I know a lot of you are having temps in the 90's also. Blessings. Vicky
Monday, June 6, 2011
My Gardens

Thought I would try to get my gardens finished before it got to hot, well its already to hot, its been in the upper 90's, but suppose to be in the lower 90's this week, guess I better take advantage of the cooler weather. LOL. Here is one of my favorite large pots that sits outside my den window, I have a sitting area here, and you can see where the weeds have come up through the cracks of the pavers here, need to attend to that, my next thing I am working on this week my sitting areas around my chimney.
This is a old garden I have been wanting to redo for several years, so I thought what the heck and just started digging it out last week. I have filled it with perennials. This is beside a storage building my husband built several years ago. I added two wash tubs my husbands grandmother had, she died a little over a year ago at the age of 103, very special. The bedshelf I had gotten at Nanbrook Farm a while back, just added a few of the bird houses I collect. And of course I had to have a sign with antiques on it, reminds me of my childhood and dad's shop. Can't wait until the flowers fill in the bed better.
Just a few of the flowers I added, fox glove, phlox, salvia and a few other items, including an old chair I picked up for 7 bucks.
Added in a mexican bush sage, I love it when it blooms, I had one and it didn't come back this year, also some varietys of rudbeckia's.
This area is under my kitchen window, I have some varieties of hosta, astible, and hydrangea's. I love the bunny stepping stones here.
Here is a pink astible growing next to some goats beard, it hasn't bloomed yet. An old watering can my aunt Dottie had given me, just one of many she had given me of her collection. Always love to add little touches to my garden, makes them have some interest to them.
This is in the same bed, my annabelle's are blooming really well this year, you can see them from my kitchen window. The purple hydrangea was given to me by my mother-in-law, she had rooted it for me. The old birdbath post was my husbands grandmother's and the rooster sundial I found at hobby lobby, just added a cute touch to the flower bed. And my favorite thing is the iron fencing, reminds me of my trips to Charleston, S.C. and seeing their gardens, many of them through iron gates. We had planned a trip this spring to go to Charleston, but decided to wait until Oliver gets out of the hospital, maybe in the fall we will make the trip. Speaking of Oliver, he is now 3lbs. 1 oz. and is doing well, he has a little breathing problem like he gets to comfortable and forgets to breath, they say it is common among early babies, he will out grow it. Hope to have new pictures soon, well better get back to working on clearing out Oliver's room, we are going to be moving out my antique bed this weekend over to my oldest son's house, Justin. I am going to be buying a crib for that room and then the fun part decorating it. Hope everyone has a great day, oh hope to be posting some of my goodies I have found lately, yes I have been back to Settler's Crossin and to Gibson Mill Antique Mall, really neat stuff I found and a new shop I want to go to soon. Vicky
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