Well yesterday was a long day waiting to hear from my son, Chris and Brandi. They had an appointment yesterday afternoon to determine whether it was a boy or girl. Now I know what it will be like when it gets close to the due date, waiting on that phone call. Will it be a little Lucy or Olliver? Why is it when you are waiting for a phone call everyone else calls you, I had a call from one of my businesses I clean, my sister called and said OK what is it? I don't know still waiting. My son called a little before 5, he said mom guess what it is, you have a 50/50 chance. Ok, I have been calling it a he the whole time, but I guess hey a girl might be nice since I never had one, so I said its a girl, it is an Olliver Quinn Huckaby, I was going go have a grandson. Hey I knew all about boys, I was so excited. Chris said they had several pictures of the baby, he had rubbed his face, and yawned while they were watching. Can't wait to see the pictures. My son called me back later, and asked if I would like to go next time they would be measuring the baby. So on March 14th I get to see the little fellow. I told my son that Brandi would love having a son, there was something between a mother and a son, something very special. He said that was what people were telling her. And then he said, sons love their mothers. Ok, now on to the good stuff, I can start buying for Olliver, finish up that room I started. When the boys left home years ago, I had kept several things, teddy bears, leggos, a ton of those, and their little match box cars, and the best part I still have a couple of outfits that Chris had worn, can't wait to see Olliver in one of those. July 27 th just can't get here fast enough. Congratulations Chris and Brandi on having a son. Vicky